Posts tagged ‘tape music’


Maurice’s Hotel Death / petals cdr


Following the spectacularly brilliant annual Crater Lake Festival, I have a had a busy week of: catching up on sleep; reading up on the surveillance motivations and quantitative data ‘harvesting’ (they do like a nice organic metaphor for such things) methodologies of neoliberalism;  the colonialist discourse that ‘evidence-based’ policy extends into contemporary discourse; walking to work in what could be midwinter Norway.

However, I have managed to get the Maurice’s Hotel Death / petals split cdr sorted. “Phew!” I hear ye hark, and right you are tight, too.

Monochrome packaging belie a highly textured work: Maurice’s Hotel Death (aka Larry Crywater from yonder Snottingham way) delivers up a platter of oddness. Acousmatic oceans of entropy or distortions of space and time, who am I to say? The electricity certainly pumps through the heart of this  20+ minute creation. Squawks of neighbours arguing in the summer heat over a tin of Special Brew can faintly be heard beyond the primordial dirge of stasis. Absolutely brilliant!

petals opts for a less nuanced take on things in two parts: first up 10 minutes of LFO bounce and filter wrangling which seeps away into an ocean of filtered drone crackle. Then the tapes start to spin and all gets a bit calmer, but the sea swells and takes the final lick off paint of the black lighthouse. Mixed like a bad metaphor for erosion…

25 copies (half are with Maurice’s Hotel Death, hXe has the other half and one more is currently in purgatory- we’ll keep you posted on the fate of that lonesome disc) in the real world black bottom, white top cdr format , and also available via Bandcamp digitally. So modern. You’re so modern, mate.