Archive for May, 2014


Daniel Thomas & Kevin Sanders



Another release from Daniel Thomas & Kevin Sanders, but quite different from the last few. Well, sort of.  Okay, fair enough, it is still ostensibly a drone composition, constructed from several individual recordings, but there was a programme of induction involved on this release.

Alexander Scriabin’s use of the Mythic chord was the basis. It started with Dan telling me about a radio show about Scriabin, then listening the some of his music and learning about the chap’s life. Pretty wild stuff indeed, so Dan I and thought a themed release seemed like a natural progression.

Several recordings involving the Mythic chord were made on various synths, mixed, layered, edited, pulled to pieces and then in turn layered with recordings from other miscellaneous sources.

Tension is abound: There’s a progression towards a certain euphoria which is followed by a slipping away from that and into something less aware.

There was a much heavier editing dialogue present, which evidences itself in the consistency over the 38 minutes of the final recording.

25 copies available on cdr with hand stamps and photocopied addages affixing the disc securely. Dan will have his half before the end of the week.